Jumat, 27 Februari 2009
How To Get a Girl Phone Number
Its a fact that getting a boyfriend is easy but the reverse is not true.If you approach a girl and ask for her phone number directly then its almost very sure that she will just ignore you however polite you may be.It becomes sometimes very hard to get a girls telephone number.I will tell you the technique of “argument-attraction” which will help you master how to get girl and her phone number quickly.Continue to read below…
Firstly I would like to mention that a good dressing is almost a necessity because it definitely creates a positive impression about you in the girls mind.People always look in for aesthetic happiness which can be enhanced by simple things like a neat hair-cut,good oral hygiene,clear skin,good health,use of deodrants,tidy well fitting clothes and accessories,etc.These will themselves give you a profound confidence which will help in approaching a girl much easily!
The basic rule is that girls like men who are influential and light-hearted.So my following discussion is based on this fact.
Your primary aim should be to get her attention.The method of argument-attraction will gain the attention of your lady by starting an argument and trying to overpower her sweetly.The topic of the discussion should be on a very trivial matter and must not include sentiments of either of you.May be you could argue over the the food in various restaurants in her area or why baseball is better than any other game! I am giving them just as examples, the actual topic will depend upon the kind of your profession,the meeting environment,etc.Make sure that you don’t get over-indulged in the discussion.Give room for the new girl to have her say too.But slightly overpower her in the discussion.Take this discussion to a point where both of you are making unofficial attempts at proving each other as well as enjoying what the other person is saying.Gradually a time will come when she may feel that you are a very balanced person and she will be interested in knowing more about you.At such a point rapidly end the discussion softly and ask her for her number.In most probable cases she will give out her telephone number!
Selasa, 24 Februari 2009
Learn How to Walk On coal Fire Without Getting Hurt
Spread Coals
Light a fire and let it burn down to coals. Have a really big fire so you can have a lot of coals to spread around.
Subtitle Indonesia
(nyalakan Api dan biarkan membakar arang, buat api yang besar agar arang yang dihasilkan makin banyak untuk disebar)

step 2
Spread Coals Evenly
Use a metal rake or somthing to spread out the coals in a wide area. In a circle or a line or whatever shape you want.
(gunakan tongkat metal untuk menyebarkan arang bara ke tempat yang luas, dalam bentuk lingkaran, garis pokoknya terserah loe aja dah)

step 3
There should be a layer of ash on the coals to insulate the coals. The almost pure-carbon coals are poor conductors of heat so that helps too. If you don't stop you should be able to walk on the coals with no problem. So don't be dumb and stand in one place. Just walk a little faster you normally would. Just not to fast but not to slow. Like you were walking a little bit faster down the street than usual. Don't stop and stand there, that will burn you. Once again NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURY, but I doubt you will get hurt.
( pasti ada lapisan abu di batu bara, sehingga tidak dapat meghantarkan panas dengan baik, jadi kalau anda jalan agak cepat ga bakalan kenapa2, KALO DI COBA DIRUMAH GW GA TANGGUNG JAWAB YA)

source http://www.instructables.com/id/EDVXXINSZSEZBF80F7
Senin, 23 Februari 2009
Simple Way To Release Stress
Loosen tensed muscles. Just about any time, but especially when you’ve got the adrenaline pumping, muscles tend to tighten, particularly muscles around your neck, upper back, and face. Pay attention to your muscles in those areas and when you find one that’s contracting for no good reason, relax it. If at first you have trouble relaxing a muscle, tense it first, then relax it.
Say the word “relax” to yourself. Make sure your inner voice is relaxing. Don’t yell at yourself, “Relax!!” Say it soothingly.
1. Sit or stand in a relaxed position.
2. Slowly inhale through your nose, counting to five in your head.
3. Let the air out from your mouth, counting to eight in your head as it leaves your lungs. Repeat several times. That’s it!
1. As you breathe, let your abdomen expand outward, rather than raising your shoulders. This is a more relaxed and natural way to breathe, and helps your lungs fill themselves more fully with fresh air, releasing more “old” air.
2. You can do this just a few times to release tension, or for several minutes as a form of meditation.
3. If you like, you can make your throat a little tighter as you exhale so the air comes out like a whisper. This type of breathing is used in some forms of yoga and can add additional tension relief.
Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009
Suggestion For Goal Setting
* Repeat to yourself in positive terms what you need to do, or be, to attain the goal, in present terms. For example ‘you are confident’.
* Imagine telling yourself about a time when you have displayed confidence. See, hear, feel, smell, experience the memory in all its detail, focussing on how confident you felt (or determined, focussed, happy, powerful etc).
* Then think about a future event.
* Visualise yourself as you would like to be, in every detail.
* Rewind it in your mind’s eye, and replay it but stepping inside the body of yourself, and experiencing those details from the inside.
* Do this a few times for different situations.
* End with the goal, even if you have used it already, visualising yourself and knowing how it feels to have achieved that goal in every detail.
I hope that this has shown you some ways in which the power of suggestion can work. Just remember - what the subconscious accepts, it acts on. That is really all it does. It works like software in a computer. So make sure your suggestions, words, intonation and beliefs are positive, and accept them. If you find this difficult, you may have opposing beliefs or previously accepted ’software’ conflicting. The Power of Suggestion is just one small element of hypnotic psychology - so continue to browse the site to learn more about how this works. Just a suggestion.
Forex Tips
Any attempt to trade without analysis and studying the market is equal to a game. Game is fun except when you are losing real money...
Tip 2. Never invest money into a real Forex account until you practice on a Forex Demo account!
Allow at least 2 month for demo trading. Consider this: 90% of beginners fail to succeed in the real money market only because of lack of knowledge, practice and discipline. Those remaining 10% of successful traders had been sharpening and shaping their skills on demo accounts for years before entering the real market.
A good demo account to start practicing with could be, for example, FXGame from Oanda.
Tip 3. Go with the trend!
Trend is your friend. Trade with the trend to maximize your chances to succeed. Trading against the trend won't "kill" a trader, but will definitely require more attention, nerves and sharp skills to rich trading goals.
Tip 4. Always take a look at the time frame bigger than the one you've chosen to trade in.
It gives the bigger picture of market price movements and so helps to clearly define the trend. For example, when trading in 15 minute time frame, take a look at 1 hour chart; trading hourly would require obtaining a picture of daily, weekly price movements.
If a trend is hard to spot — choose a bigger time frame. Up and down market patterns are always present. Always make sure you know the dominant trend, unless you are a scalper. Scalpers have no need to spend their time studying big trends, what's happening in the market here and now (during 5-10 minute time frame) should be of only importance to a Forex scalper.
Tip 5. Never risk more than 2-3% of the total trading account.
One important difference between a successful and an unsuccessful trader is that the first is able to survive under unfavorable conditions on the market, while an unsuccessful trader will blow up his account after 5-10 unprofitable trades in the row.
Even with the same trading system 2 traders can get opposite results in the long run. The difference will be again in the money management approach. To introduce you to money management, let's get one fact: losing 50% of total account requires making 100% return from the rest of money just to restore the original balance.
Tip 6. Put emotions down. Trade calm.
Don't try to revenge after losing the trade. Don't be greedy by adding lots of positions when winning.
Overreaction blocks clear thinking and as a result will cost you money. Overtrading can shake your money management and dramatically increase trading risks.
Tip 7. Choose the time frame that is right for you.
Choosing wise means that you are comfortable and have time enough to analyze the market, place and close orders etc. Some people can't wait for hours for the price to make a move, they like action and therefore prefer smaller time frames. On the contrary, for others 10-15 minutes is a hustle to be able to make the right decision.
Senin, 16 Februari 2009
Money Factoring
you can register here to create anoter paypal www.mylot.com at this site you only need to post on forum and you will get paid $0.01 per post
have a try and start to earn your money
this is the real money factoring
to create money online i've an easy solution to create money..
that is play at www.pickjack.com at that site you only need to answer question and make another new question its very simple and you'll get paid in paypal you must create your paypal account first to register here. realy paid i've been paid
here is the FAQ
Q: What is Pickjack?
A: Pickjack is a network of multiple choice questions that have all been created by its members.
Q: How do I become a member?
A: Signup for free here.
Q: Does it cost anything to be a member?
A. Nope, 100% free.
Q: What’s the point?
A: You earn money based on how many questions you submit and how well other members rate your questions. The goal is to be the top money earner by writing the best, most relevant questions.
Q: Do you get paid real money?
A: Yes. It is sent to you via PayPal to the email address you used to sign up for your account.
Q: How do I submit a question?
A: First you must answer a question correctly and then you will see a link inviting you to submit a related question. Click that link and enter your question. Every time you post 10 related questions you are then given the opportunity to post a Top Question.
Q: What is a Top Question?
A: A top question is not related to another question above it. It is the beginning of a new tree of questions. Members are allowed to post one top questions for every 10 related questions they write.
Q: What is my network and what are degrees?
A: Your network consists of all questions that are within 3 questions below (3 degrees) any question you have written
Q: What are the degrees?
A: Degrees are the amount of questions away from a question you wrote that another question exists. e.g.
1degree: all questions that have been added to any questions user submitted.
2nd degree: all questions added to 1st degree questions
3rd degree: all questions added to 2nd degree questions
Q: How often does my balance update?
A: Balances are updated every 6 hours.
Minggu, 15 Februari 2009
Character Based On Blood Type
- Biasanya orang yang bergolongan darah A ini berkepala dingin, serius, sabar dan kalem atau cool, bahasa kerennya.
- Orang yang bergolongan darah A ini mempunyai karakter yang tegas, bisa di andalkan dan dipercaya namun keras kepala.
- Sebelum melakukan sesuatu mereka memikirkannya terlebih dahulu. Dan merencanakan segala sesuatunya secara matang. Mereka mengerjakan segalanya dengan sungguh-sungguh dan secara konsisten.
- Mereka berusaha membuat diri mereka se wajar dan ideal mungkin.
- Mereke bisa kelihatan menyendiri dan jauh dari orang-orang.
- mereka mencoba menekan perasaan mereka dan karena sering melakukannya mereka terlihat tegar. Meskipun sebenarnya mereka mempunya sisi yang lembek seperti gugup dan lain sebagainya.
- Mereka cenderung keras terhadap orang-orang yang tidak sependapat. Makanya mereka cenderung berada di sekitar orang-orang yang ber'temperamen' sama.
Golongan darah B
- Orang yang bergolongan darah B ini cenderung penasaran dan tertarik terhadap segalanya.
- Mereka juga cenderung mempunyai terlalu banyak kegemaran dan hobby. Kalau sedang suka dengan sesuatu biasanya mereka menggebu-gebu namun cepat juga bosan.
- Tapi biasanya mereka bisa memilih mana yang lebih penting dari sekian banyak hal yang di kerjakannya.
- Mereka cenderung ingin menjadi nomor satu dalam berbagai hal ketimbang hanya dianggap rata-rata. Dan biasanya mereka cenderung melalaikan sesuatu jika terfokus dengan kesibukan yang lain. Dengan kata lain, mereka tidak bisa mengerjakan sesuatu secara berbarengan.
- Mereka dari luar terlihat cemerlang, riang, bersemangat dan antusias. Namun sebenarnya hal itu semua sama sekali berbeda dengan yang ada didalam diri mereka.
- Mereka bisa dikatakan sebagai orang yang tidak ingin bergaul dengan banyak orang.
Golongan darah O
- Orang yang bergolongan darah O, mereka ini biasanya berperan dalam menciptakan gairah untuk suatu grup. Dan berperan dalam menciptakan suatu keharmonisan diantara para anggota grup tersebut.
- Figur mereka terlihat sebagai orang yang menerima dan melaksakan sesuatu dengan tenang. Mereka pandai menutupi sesuatu sehingga mereka kelihatan selalu riang, damai dan tidak punya masalah sama sekali. Tapi kalau tidak tahan, mereka pasti akan mencari tempat atau orang untuk curhat (tempat mengadu).
- Mereka biasanya pemurah (baik hati), senang berbuat kebajikan. Mereka dermawan dan tidak segan-segan mengeluarkan uang untuk orang lain.
- Mereka biasanya di cintai oleh semua orang, "loved by all". Tapi mereka sebenarnya keras kepala juga, dan secara rahasia mempunyai pendapatnya sendiri tentang berbagai hal.
- Dilain pihak, mereka sangat fleksibel dan sangat mudah menerima hal-hal yang baru.
- Mereka cenderung mudah di pengaruhi oleh orang lain dan oleh apa yang mereka lihat dari TV.
- Mereka terlihat berkepala dingin dan terpercaya tapi mereka sering tergelincir dan membuat kesalahan yang besar karena kurang berhati-hati. Tapi hal itu yang menyebabkan orang yang bergolongan darah O ini di cintai.
Golongan darah AB
- Orang yang bergolongan darah AB ini mempunyai perasaan yang sensitif, lembut.
- Mereka penuh perhatian dengan perasaan orang lain dan selalu menghadapi orang lain dengan kepedulian serta kehati-hatian.
- Disamping itu mereka keras dengan diri mereka sendiri juga dengan orang-orang yang dekat dengannya.
- Mereka jadi cenderung kelihatan mempunyai dua kepribadian.
- Mereka sering menjadi orang yang sentimen dan memikirkan sesuatu terlalu dalam.
- Mereka mempunyai banyak teman, tapi mereka membutuhkan waktu untuk menyendiri untuk memikirkan persoalan-persoalan mereka.
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
Handphone Radiation Effect
Cellular phone / handphone, which has a wave radiation on active handpone used, when receiving a call. All are not aware of the effects of radiation . And should, we should show concern attitudes suffering from the impact, start now! In the study, has counted on to'tidak valid''s gauge is used. However, at least, the results obtained from this experiment we can make reference to the effect of radiation that we received when we use the phone.
Minimize the effects of radiation we receive. Many of the business that we can do, such as: Maintain a distance as far as possible, between the ear and a mobile phone, while we are actively talking. Then, use the accessories that can reduce the effects of radiation from mobile phones. Alternatively, you can use with a hand or hands-free set, so that radiation from mobile phones will not directly about our body
Becarefull of your cell phone
Be careful if you want to put the bag in a mobile phone or waist pants. Recently, the Hungarian scientists concluded, the man who too often on the phone to save his trousers pocket or waist will have fertility problems. Namely kulaitas sperm in the male exposed radiation from mobile phone contracts are worse than the sperm of men who rarely preschool-nenteng cellular phone.
At that time, call ... even the radiation near the brain and we can affect the brain and nervous system .although the effect is relatively small, such as headache, but I can be a serious problem
However, we do not need to worry overfishing. Caused by mobile phone radiation, the radiation power does not cause damage caused by the radioactive. However, we must also consider that there is little effect that we receive, if on continuously, will lead to flagrant interference that also later
Kamis, 12 Februari 2009
Simple Tips to Help you Sleep
It's a great way to relax your body. Don't overdo it, however. You merely want to relax your body, not exhaust it. Too long in hot water and your body is drained of vitality.
Use bath salts, or throw in Epsom salts and baking soda—one cup of each. These will relax you and also help remove toxins from your body.
Have your spouse (or whoever) give you a massage just before going to sleep. If you can convince them to give you a full body massage, great. If not, even a short backrub and/or a face and scalp massage can be a big help. Have them make the massage strokes slow, gentle, yet firm, to work the tension out of your muscles and soothe you to sleep.
Play some soft, soothing music that will lull you to sleep. There are even cassettes and records designed for that very purpose. Some are specially composed music, others simply have sounds of waves rhythmically breaking, or the steady pattern of a heartbeat.
Of course if you don't have a record, cassette or CD player that will automatically turn off, we don't suggest this. If you have to get up and turn it off at the end, you've obviously lost its effect.
A glass of warm milk 15 minutes before going to bed will soothe your nervous system. Milk contains calcium, which works directly on jagged nerves to make them (and you) relax.
If you don't like milk—or are avoiding dairy products—try a cup of hot camomile, catnip, anise or fennel tea. All contain natural ingredients which will help you sleep. Most health food stores will also have special blends of herb tea designed to soothe you and help you get to sleep.
Heart Attack First Aid
- Have the person sit down, rest, and try to keep calm.
- Loosen any tight clothing.
- Ask if the person takes any chest pain medication for a known heart condition.
- Help the person take the medication (usually nitroglycerin, which is placed under the tongue).
- If the pain does not go away promptly with rest or within 3 minutes of taking nitroglycerin, call for emergency medical help.
- If the person is unconscious and unresponsive, call 911 (or your local emergency number), then begin CPR.
- If an infant or child is unconscious and unresponsive, perform 1 minute of CPR, then call for ambulance.
- Do NOT leave the person alone except to call for help, if necessary.
- Do NOT allow the person to deny the symptoms and convince you not to call for emergency help.
- Do NOT wait to see if the symptoms go away.
- Do NOT give the person anything by mouth unless a heart medication (such as nitroglycerin) has been prescribed.
When to Contact a Medical Professional Return to top
- If sudden chest pain or other symptoms of a heart attack occur.
- If an adult or child is unresponsive or is not breathing.
Kurang Tidur Bisa Kena Kanker
Orang yang tidur kurang dari tujuh jam setiap malam menghadapi resiko 47 persen untuk terserang kanker dibandingkan dengan mereka yang tidur lebih banyak di antara perempuan yang aktif secara fisik, demikian laporan para peneliti itu dalam pertemuan American Association for Cancer Research.
“Kami kira itu sangat menarik dan membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu. Ini seperti pertama kali melakukan penelitian. Itu bukan sesuatu yang telah dikaji secara luas,” kata Jame McClain dari National Cancer Institute, bagian dari National Institute of Health pemerintah, dalam suatu wawancara telepon.
McClain, yang memimpin studi tersebut, mengatakan tidak jelas bagaimana sesungguhnya tidur terlalu sedikit mungkin membuat orang lebih rentan terhadap kanker. “Tidur secara cukup telah lama berhubungan dengan kesehatan,” kata McClain.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) menyebut kurang tidur sebagai masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang tak diperhatikan, dan menyatakan orang Amerika kian kurang tidur. CDC menyatakan persentase orang dewasa yang melaporkan tidur selama enam jam atau kurang per malam meningkat dari 1985 hingga 2006.
Para ahli mengenai tidur mengatakan kekurangan tidur kronis berkaitan dengan kegemukan, diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, stroke, penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah, depresi, menghisap rokok dan minum secara berlebihan.
Selain itu, penelitian telah memperlihatkan bahwa orang yang berolah raga secara rutin menghadapi resiko lebih rendah kanker payudara, usus besar dan jenis kanker lain. Banyak ahli berpendapat dampak olah raga pada tingkat hormon tubuh, fungsi kekebalan dan berat tubuh mungkin memainkan peran penting.
Senin, 09 Februari 2009
Tips Mengatasi Hipnotis
1. Jangan membiarkan pikiran kosong ketika berada di daerah umum. Pikiran kosong dapat mengakibatkan gerbang telepathic terbuka, sehingga pihak lain dapat dengan mudah menyampaikan pesan secara telepathic.
2. Waspadalah jika tiba-tiba timbul rasa kantuk yang tidak wajar, ada
kemungkinan bahwa seseorang yang bermaksud negatif sedang melakukan "telepathic forcing".
3. Bagi mereka yang memiliki kebiasaan "latah", sebaiknya jangan
bepergian ke tempat umum tanpa teman. Mereka yang mempunyai kebiasaan "latah" cenderung memiliki gerbang bawah sadar yang mudah dibuka paksa dengan bantuan kejutan (Shock Induction). Hal yang sama juga berlaku bagi mereka yang mudah terkejut.
4. Jangan mudah panik jika tiba-tiba ada beberapa orang yang tidak
dikenal mengerumuni anda untuk suatu alasan yang tidak jelas. Sekali jangan mudah panik ! Karena rasa panik akan mempermudah terbukanya gerbang bawah sadar anda!
5. Jangan mudah panik jika tiba-tiba ada seseorang yang menepuk bahu
anda ! Usahakan agar pikiran dan panca indera anda tetap aktif ke seluruh lingkungan ! Jangan terfokus pada ucapan-ucapan orang yang menepuk anda ! Segera berpindahlah ke daerah yang lebih ramai !
6. Jika secara tiba-tiba, tanpa alasan yang jelas, dada anda terasa
sesak, dan diikuti dengan perut agak mual, dan kepala sedikit pusing, waspadalah karena mungkin ada seseorang tengah mengerahkan energi gendam ! Segera lakukan "grounding", yaitu meniatkan membuang seluruh energi negatif ke bumi (cukup visualisasi).
7. Jika terjadi hal-hal yang mencurigakan, segera sibukkan pikiran
anda, agar tetap berada di frekwensi yang mengakibatkan efek Hipnotis tidak dapat bekerja ! Antara lain dengan : berdoa dalam hati, menyanyi dalam hati, atau memikirkan hal-hal yang berat !
8. Jika ternyata anda mulai merasa memasuki suatu "kesadaran berbeda" dari biasanya, mungkin anda sudah mulai terpengaruh oleh Hipnotis. Jika anda merasakan hal ini, maka segera niatkan dalam hati : "Dalam 3 hitungan, saya akan kembali sadar dan normal sepenuhnya ....", kemudian segera hitung dalam hati : "Satu ..., dua, ... tiga".
9.. Akhirnya, tanamkan terus menerus di dalam diri anda, bahwa Hipnotis tidak akan bekerja bagi mereka yang menolaknya ! Hal ini juga berlaku untuk ilmu gendam !
Kamis, 05 Februari 2009


Kuta is one of the most popular sites; you can now find basically any surfing equipment there. As the sun approaches the horizon, you can see lines of Balinese approaching the beach, controlling their surf-boards with the same gracefulness as their traditional dances, mastering the waves and penetrating the tubes. Even in Kuta Beach and the area around it alone there are places for difficult surfs. It's best to talk to the locals so you won't get into trouble.
On the southern tip of Bali, Uluwatu is also high on a surfer's destination list. The road to the beach is pretty well-hidden, off the road to the temple of Uluwatu (which in itself is an amazing three-court temple on top of a few hundred feet cliff). You can't reach it by car - rent a motorcycle or walk for about two miles to get there. The site is very popular among serious surfers.
Nusa Dua.
On the south-eastern tip of the island, the Nusa Dua peninsula has some nice reef that provides good waves for surfing. You can stay on any of the most sumptuous hotels in the world spread around the area, and surfing is readily available within walking distance, from a beginner's level to a challenging one for the serious surfers.
Bora Bora



Included Features Airfare from Los Angeles via Air Tahiti Nui 1 night Intercontinental Tahiti
Your Itinerary
Karimun Jawa


2. Mandi di Pantai dan Berjemur, cocok dilakukan di Pulau Menjangan Besar yang berpasir putih dan Pulau Cemara Kecil.

3. Snorkeling, di berbagai spot yang memberikan pemandangan bawah laut yang mengagumkan.

4. Memancing, para hobiist mancing dapat menyalurkan hobinya dengan menyewa kapal.

5. Glass bottom boat, bagi yang tidak bisa berenang bisa menikmati keindahan bawah laut dng glass bottom boat.
6. Jetski dan banana boat, bagi yang menyukai olah raga air ini, dapat melakukannya di karimunjawa.

7. Penangkaran ikan hiu, mencoba merasakan fear factor disini, bercanda dengan hiu.

8. Berperahu mengunjungi pulau-pulau, banyaknya pulau-pulau yang indah, dapat anda kunjungi dengan menggunakan perahu.
9. Ziarah dimakam Sunan Nyamplungan.
10. Menyelami kehidupan tradisi nelayan Bugis dan Madura dng rumah khas panggungnya.