Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

Handphone Radiation Effect

Handphone Radiation Effects On Men
Cellular phone / handphone, which has a wave radiation on active handpone used, when receiving a call. All are not aware of the effects of radiation . And should, we should show concern attitudes suffering from the impact, start now! In the study, has counted on to'tidak valid''s gauge is used. However, at least, the results obtained from this experiment we can make reference to the effect of radiation that we received when we use the phone.

Minimize the effects of radiation we receive. Many of the business that we can do, such as: Maintain a distance as far as possible, between the ear and a mobile phone, while we are actively talking. Then, use the accessories that can reduce the effects of radiation from mobile phones. Alternatively, you can use with a hand or hands-free set, so that radiation from mobile phones will not directly about our body

Becarefull of your cell phone

Be careful if you want to put the bag in a mobile phone or waist pants. Recently, the Hungarian scientists concluded, the man who too often on the phone to save his trousers pocket or waist will have fertility problems. Namely kulaitas sperm in the male exposed radiation from mobile phone contracts are worse than the sperm of men who rarely preschool-nenteng cellular phone.

At that time, call ... even the radiation near the brain and we can affect the brain and nervous system .although the effect is relatively small, such as headache, but I can be a serious problem

However, we do not need to worry overfishing. Caused by mobile phone radiation, the radiation power does not cause damage caused by the radioactive. However, we must also consider that there is little effect that we receive, if on continuously, will lead to flagrant interference that also later

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