Senin, 16 Februari 2009

Money Factoring

you can register here to create anoter paypal at this site you only need to post on forum and you will get paid $0.01 per post
have a try and start to earn your money


this is the real money factoring
to create money online i've an easy solution to create money..
that is play at at that site you only need to answer question and make another new question its very simple and you'll get paid in paypal you must create your paypal account first to register here. realy paid i've been paid
here is the FAQ

Q: What is Pickjack?

A: Pickjack is a network of multiple choice questions that have all been created by its members.

Q: How do I become a member?
A: Signup for free here.

Q: Does it cost anything to be a member?
A. Nope, 100% free.

Q: What’s the point?
A: You earn money based on how many questions you submit and how well other members rate your questions. The goal is to be the top money earner by writing the best, most relevant questions.

Q: Do you get paid real money?
A: Yes. It is sent to you via PayPal to the email address you used to sign up for your account.

Q: How do I submit a question?
A: First you must answer a question correctly and then you will see a link inviting you to submit a related question. Click that link and enter your question. Every time you post 10 related questions you are then given the opportunity to post a Top Question.

Q: What is a Top Question?
A: A top question is not related to another question above it. It is the beginning of a new tree of questions. Members are allowed to post one top questions for every 10 related questions they write.

Q: What is my network and what are degrees?
A: Your network consists of all questions that are within 3 questions below (3 degrees) any question you have written

Q: What are the degrees?
A: Degrees are the amount of questions away from a question you wrote that another question exists. e.g.
1degree: all questions that have been added to any questions user submitted.
2nd degree: all questions added to 1st degree questions
3rd degree: all questions added to 2nd degree questions

Q: How often does my balance update?
A: Balances are updated every 6 hours.

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